One Potato Two Potato Sweet Potato Four!


If you are like me, you are always trying to figure out a way to be a little more healthy.  Juicing seems to be a craze right now, so it’s hot hot hot to juice.  If you are trying to decide whether or not to juice, by all means juice!!! There has never been a better time.  The internet is bubbling over with recipes for juicing.  I have discovered, a really good juicer too, sweet potato!!!  Here is a link to some of the benefits:

So now my weekly veggie-store run, always includes a few sweet potatoes.  Why do I love them?  If you clicked on the link above you know just how good they are for you, but also they juice quite a bit of juice!  It’s a great base to your juices.  I love adding green apple and orange to the mix!  The recipe I use is pretty simple, scroll down for last photo to see it.


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