A few months ago I decided to go sugar free! I lasted on a strict sugar free diet for 6 whole weeks…and then Starbucks happened, and then it happened again. And then again (sigh). I can’t tell you how hard I am working to quit sugar all together, but all around me are distractions. A few of my favorites, that have derailed me the last month are Green Tea Lemonade and the Coffee Frappe from Starbucks, chocolate cake from the Cake Bar, and dark chocolate. It’s hard to turn down any of those things.
But I am back on my strict no sugar again! Due to some horrible news I had from the dentist. I will share how I am trying to heal my cavities in a future post. But for now here is my favorite juice that is SO good for you, and reminds me of Starbucks Green Tea lemonade, without all that sugar! Enjoy!
2 Green Apples
1 Cucumber
1 lemon
1 1/2 cups water
2 tbs raw honey
Juice the apples, cucumber, and lemon. Mix in the honey, then the water. Add ice, serve, and enjoy!
yummmmmmmy greeeeeeeeen juice!!!!