Before going to Paris, quite a few sources told me it isn’t as great as most people say it is. I am not sure if these sources had actually been to Paris or had just repeated some nonsense they had heard before. Or maybe they don’t love being out with a crowd of people braving the rain with their umbrellas. It could be they just didn’t like rain. So if you don’t like rain then yeah, it won’t live up to your expectations. It did rain quite a bit, but every part of Paris was magical to me, even the rain and the glistening streets. The baguettes, the wine, the French people speaking French AND English, the gardens, the bicycles, the bakeries, the Seine river, the many views of the Eiffel tower throughout the city, and so much more made this city one of the top experiences of my life. So if you haven’t planned a trip there because of someone telling you it isn’t worth it, or didn’t live up to their expectations then you might need to rethink going.
Even though there was rain, there were also days with sunshine. I spent a few different afternoons enjoying the Luxembourg Gardens reading and people watching. It’s a great place to bring kids too.